Dr. Heather Wygant is the Science Coordinator at the Santa Cruz County Office of Education, focused on supporting districts and teachers with professional learning as they continue implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). She is a former science & math educator with 24 years of classroom experience, with extensive science content knowledge, as well as a deep understanding of the NGSS pedagogical changes. As a former secondary science teacher, she understands that students’ lack of science and math skills have a direct impact on the STEM pipeline. Supporting teachers and districts to provide consistent high quality science instruction is one of her top priorities. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Geology, master of Arts Teaching Science Education, Master of Sciences in Geosciences, and her PhD in Curriculum & Instruction with a STEM Focus.
Contact Information
Email: hawygant@ucsc.edu
Office: JBEB 159
Office hours: by appointment