***Access application at bottom of page***


Priority Application Deadline for Spring 2025 EDUC 100A Cal Teach 2 (CaT2) and EDUC 185L Cal Teach 3 (CaT3):

Sunday, February 23, 2025 @ MIDNIGHT!


Accepting Spring ’25 CaT2/3 applications until full or until classes begin, whichever comes first.


There are two entry points for most Cal Teach interns: CaT1 in fall or winter or the Intensive Internship in September. Prospective science or math teachers who successfully complete a first internship may continue with further Cal Teach internships.

CaT2 & CaT3

All advanced internships have a school or other educational placement and require enrolling for academic credit. The courses associated with CaT1, CaT2, and CaT3 are taught as seminars that meet weekly; Special Projects are offered as independent study courses for UCSC undergraduates only.

What is expected of CaT2 and CaT3 interns?

CaT2 and CaT3 interns must:

  • spend 3-5 hours/week in a middle or high school science or math class for a total of ~35 hours
  • enroll in a concurrent Cal Teach seminar course (2 credits for CaT2; 3 credits for CaT3) that enhances the classroom placement
  • work with one or more K-12 mentor teachers
What are the benefits of enrolling in CaT2 and CaT3?

CaT2 and CaT3 interns will:

  • work closely with a mentor teacher
  • work closely with students in the same class 2x/week for10 weeks
  • work closely with a motivated cohort of future math and science teachers
  • develop and teach a lesson in their host classroom (CaT2)
  • plan an instructional unit (CaT3)
  • receive a transportation stipend if the school placement is more than 10 miles from UCSC
  • be reimbursed for required fingerprinting and TB testing
  • earn a scholarship, dependent on availability of funds ($300 for CaT2, $600 for CaT3)
What are the requirements for CaT2 & CaT3 in order to be considered successful/complete?
  • 27+ hours spent in host classroom
  • Successful participation in EDUC 100A/B/C
  • Teach lesson in host classroom
  • 30+ hours spent in host classroom
  • Successful participation in EDUC 185L
  • Create a Unit Plan in EDUC 185L

How to Apply for CaT2 and CaT3

  •  Please do not resubmit the CaT1 or Intensive Internship application. For CaT1 interns who want to take CaT2 or CaT3, or for intensive interns who want to take CaT1, you need to submit the Intent to Participate Form
  • The application includes providing an Unofficial Transcript. Attach the PDF when prompted in the application.
Click here to access the form